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How long will the ADR process take?

  • This really depends on which process you choose, how busy the practitioners are and how many issues are in dispute.
  • Once you have provided the practitioner with all the information and relevant documentation they should be able to give you an idea of how long your matter will take to resolve.
  • Whether this estimate is accurate for mediation and conciliation will depend on the level of conflict that you and the other party bring into the room, your communication skills and your willingness to engage in compromise.
  • Lawyer-run negotiations are a bit more fluid as there is a bit of back and forth. Finalising a negotiation depends a lot on people’s availability.
  • Arbitrations take longer than a mediation or conciliation as they have a similar process to court. Once you have a hearing date you will have a clearer idea about when the matter will be finalised.
  • There is always some uncertainty but all these processes will take considerably less time than a court case. 
