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Will my insurance cover be affected if I have been drinking alcohol or taking drugs?

  • Yes. Alcohol or drug use will potentially affect your coverage.
  • Insurance companies may be reluctant to cover you if you are engaging in activities with recklessness or disregard for your own personal safety. This includes engaging in certain activities while intoxicated or on drugs. For example if you go swimming while sober and you have an accident then you are more likely to be covered than if you are drinking alcohol on the beach all day and then decide to go swimming despite knowing that you are intoxicated.
  • On the other hand if you are simply enjoying a wine at a restaurant overlooking the piazza in Rome and a scooter crashes into you then you would most likely be covered.
  • You should also be mindful of the legal requirements for alcohol consumption or drug taking in the host country as your behaviour may be considered illegal. Some countries have a mandatory death penalty for consuming illegal drugs.