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How long will my claim take to be finalised?

  • It can take as little as six months or up to several years.
  • State and territory law facilitates the fast resolution of claims out of court and insurance companies generally want claims solved quickly so that they do not have potential liabilities lingering over their heads. However in practice it can take a long time for a serious injury to stabilise and for all the evidence to be gathered.
  • How long your particular claim will take depends on the nature of your injuries, how serious they are, whether you have enough evidence, how long it takes your injury to stabilise and whether you can justify the amount of compensation you are asking for.
  • If there are multiple parties to the claim the process can take longer. Some claim types will also take longer to be resolved or feel like it takes longer because the process involves some pre-damages procedures to be completed before you can actually make a claim. An example is a work injury where you may have to be rehabilitated on a return to work programme and possibly receive workers compensation before you can sue your employer for damages.
  • If you are thinking of making a claim our LegalPlan™ membership will allow you to ask lawyers to handle your matter for a Fixed Fee Quote.