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Do I have to stand up in a tribunal room?

  • The answer to this question varies depending upon the subject matter and the level of formality that attaches to a specific tribunal.
    • Higher-level tribunals can be quite similar to a court. Your lawyer can advise you on appropriate ways to address members of the tribunal as well as the right times to stand and sit. If you are not represented being told “all rise” as members enter or being informed that the Principle Member (the most senior member) is also a judge will provide an indication that proceedings are quite formal. As a basic rule you should stand whenever you are addressed by any member and when the members are entering or leaving.
    • Less formal and lower level tribunals might not require any standing at all. You might be led into a room and offered a chair at a table. If you are with your lawyer be guided by her or him as to where you should sit.

