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In what circumstances is it a good idea to get some legal advice?

  • Even if you can agree about some (or all) things you may still want to speak with a lawyer to ensure your interests are protected especially in circumstances where you have some doubts, are feeling pressured or if you just want to get an idea about what your rights are.
  • You may need  to speak to a lawyer:
    • if you have negotiated the division of property with your ex-partner and want to check that it is fair;
    • if you are in conflict with your ex-partner and cannot come to an agreement about the division of property;
    • if you are going to sign a financial agreement;
    • if your ex-partner files an application at the court asking for consent orders and you do not agree; or
    • if you or your ex-partner arrange for mediation you may like to ask a lawyer to help you prepare or attend with you for support. If you are going to bring a lawyer to the mediation you should check with the mediator first what their requirements are. You should also choose your lawyer carefully. An aggressive and adversarial lawyer is unlikely to be very helpful in a mediation.
  • Our LegalPlan™ membership will allow you to ask lawyers to handle your matter for a Fixed Fee Quote.
