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How much will it cost me to go to court and get property orders?

  • It is very difficult to give an estimate as to how much your case will cost from start to finish. Each case is different. It depends on how many issues need to be decided by the court and how much your lawyer charges.
  • At your first meeting with your lawyer you can ask them to estimate the cost of your case. By law they are required to disclose their costs and to provide you with a Costs Agreement which you may or may not choose to agree to.
  • A lawyer can never anticipate everything that will happen in your case but they should be able to give you a rough range of the cost to run your case from start to finish.
  • Each state and territory has different rules that apply to lawyers about what information they need to give you about costs. You can call the relevant Law Society for your state and they should be able to provide you will relevant information.

