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What is an exclusion order?

  • An exclusion order can mean different things in different jurisdictions (states and territories).
  • In public order law an exclusion order has a special meaning. You should check the legislation in your jurisdiction to see how the law applies where you live.
  • An exclusion order is an order that excludes a person from a public place for a period of time. An exclusion order can be for a much longer period of time than a move on order.
  • The police can apply to the court for an exclusion order. They can usually do this if you have been issued with a number of move on directions over a certain amount of time.
  • The police must serve you with a copy of the documents they have filed with the court. This will usually include an application and evidence of the move on notices you have been issued.
  • The court will read the documents and listen to what the police have to say. You will also have a chance to tell the court whether or not you agree with the exclusion order being made. If you have a lawyer they will speak for you. If you are representing yourself then you can speak for yourself. The court will then decide whether or not to make the exclusion order.
  • If you have been served with an application for an exclusion order then you should speak to a specialist lawyer and get some legal advice. You can look for one near you in our free Find a Lawyer directory.
