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Will I get a criminal record for a juvenile offence?

  • In most jurisdictions an offender under the age of 16 will not have a criminal record. For offenders older than 16 years whether a conviction is recorded will depend on the individual circumstances of the case.
  • It is possible for a judge to find you guilty and award you a penalty but still decide not to record a conviction against you in which case the offence will not go on your criminal record. This is unlikely to happen unless you attend court and try to make a good impression on the judge or magistrate.
  • In determining whether or not to record a conviction the judge will look at:
    • the seriousness of the offence;
    • whether you are a first time offender or have a history of offending;
    • your personal circumstances such as your socio-economic background or mental health issues; and
    • other relevant factors including details of how your life and future prospects will be affected if a conviction is recorded.
  • If you have any concerns you can use our free and anonymous Ask a Lawyer service to get information specific to your situation.
