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I am a juvenile and following my arrest I was charged with an offence and issued a summons. Do I have to go to court?

  • If you have been charged with an indictable (serious) offence you must attend the specified court at the date and time listed on the summons.
  • If you do not attend the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest.
  • If you have been charged with a summary (minor) offence you do not have to attend court but it is better if you do.
  • If you do not attend the magistrate may determine your guilt or innocence in your absence.
  • This means you may be found guilty and sentenced without having the opportunity to present your side of the story.
  • You should always attend court as this will improve your chances of a more positive outcome. Dress neatly and be on your best behaviour.
  • Our LegalPlan™ membership will allow you to ask lawyers to handle your matter for a Fixed Fee Quote.
