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What is credit card fraud?

  • Credit card fraud refers to deceptions committed by using a credit card to withdraw cash or make purchases. It can occur:
    • in a shop;
    • at an ATM; or
    • online.
  • Deceptions can occur where a person:
    • uses their own card to withdraw money or make a purchase despite having closed their account; or
    • uses another person’s card to withdraw money or make a purchase without that person’s consent.
  • Deception is given a wide legal definition. It includes acts done with the intention of causing a computer system or a machine to make a payment that the accused person is not authorised to make.
  • It does not matter that an actual person has not been deceived.
  • If you think you may have been the victim of credit card fraud you can use our Phone a Lawyer service to get a preliminary consultation about your situation.
