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Will a purchase of a vehicle attract stamp duty in NSW?

I want to buy a new car but I only have enough money for the car itself. I'm not sure that I can still afford it if I have to pay stamp duty on top of the price of the car. How can I find out if I have to pay stamp duty? I live in New South Wales.
Asked in Newcastle - Newcastle and Lake Macquarie, NSW, 01-11-2015
1 Lawyer Answered
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  1. Stamp Duty
Lawyer Answers (1): Answers from lawyers are general preliminary responses. They are not formal legal advice and cannot taken account of all your circumstances. They do not create a lawyer–client relationship.

Answer by Cressy Wallwork, Swanbourne 6010 WA

·         As the purchaser of a vehicle you will be required to pay duty on your purchase.

·         In NSW motor vehicle duty is payable when:      

o   the vehicle is new and you are registering it for the first time;

o   the vehicle registration is transferred to another person; or

o   a second-hand imported vehicle is being registered for the first time.

·         You can use this calculator to help you work out how much you will have to pay: https://www.apps08.osr.nsw.gov.au/erevenue/calculators/motorsimple.php.


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