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Can I stop a third party from accessing personal or business information?

  • Yes. If someone else asks for information about you the government department or agency should ask you whether you consent to its release.
  • If you refuse your consent the person making the application will be told that the information cannot be released due to the personal information exemption.
  • If you instruct a lawyer or other third party to make an FOI application on your behalf you will need to sign an authority before the government department or agency will release your information to them.
  • If you are concerned about certain information about you being misused you may write to a government department or agency that holds personal or business information about you and inform them that you do not want that information to be released to certain people or to the general public.
  • You may make a complaint to a relevant body if you feel that your personal information has been mishandled.
  • The relevant body may be an Information Commissioner, an Ombudsman or a Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Our Freedom of Information Overview sets out contact information for the relevant bodies in each state and territory and for the Commonwealth.

